Faculty Research

Most full-time faculty at Emily Carr, and many sessional faculty members, are pursuing their own creative practices in art and design and in research projects, in addition to careers as educators and leaders. The Research + Industry Office (RIO) supports faculty in their research endeavours.

Faculty can approach RIO for information relating to:

  • Funding Opportunities
  • Applying for grants
  • Grant writing support
  • Post-award management support

All researchers must be aware of Emily Carr's compliance policies regarding Ethics in Research and related procedures Responsible Conduct of Research, Research Administration, Ethics and Conduct and Conflict of Interest Procedures.

If you are new to research and don't know where to begin, you might start by checking possible collaborations within existing research areas and projects. Please come to one of our Research Conversations meetings to find out about fellow faculty's research projects. (Schedule of meetings to be confirmed).

Are you interested in finding out about research collaborations with external organizations? Industry partnerships can take different formats and the RIO can help you identify and create agreements for specific projects.

Current Funded Research Projects

We acknowledge the support provided by the Research Support Fund in achieving the research success examples listed below.

Below is a list of faculty with projects currently funded by SSHRC

Currently funded by SSHRC Institutional Grants

SIG Explore

Birthe Piontek
Gradient Descent

Daphne Plessner
Near Dwellers: A Series of Podcasts Examining Social and Political Relationships with Animal Neighbours

Janet Wang
Saltwater City: Mapping Diasporic Spaces Through Sensorial Immersion

Ki Wight
Responses to AI and disinformation in art and design higher education: A review of policy and practice