Other Relevant Strategies and Policies
To formalize responsible RDM practices, ECU may need to develop guidelines and/or policies related to RDM. Some of these policies may be related to data deposit and include data quality and standards, data retention, and long-term data preservation. ECU may also consider policies related to unfunded research and student research, including undergraduate and graduate. Guideline and policy development would specifically focus on alignment with the evolving digital research infrastructure landscape, funder requirements, publisher requirements, data governance practices, and Indigenous data sovereignty principles. Documentation would outline researcher responsibility vis-a-vis Tri-Agency policy and reiterate compliance expectations for researchers.
Internal Policies
- Series of Educational Research policies (5), and specifically Policy 5.1.1 Responsible Conduct of Research Procedures.
- Series of Systems and Resources policies (9), specifically 9.5 Data Backup and Recovery, and 9.5.1 Data Backup and Recovery Procedures
External Policies
- Bill C-15: An Act respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Government of Canada
- CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance, Global Indigenous Data Alliance
- CIHR Research Data Management Learning Module, Government of Canada
- National Inuit Strategy on Research, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
- Principles of Ethical Métis Research, National Aboriginal Health Organization Métis Centre
- The First Nations Principles of OCAP, First Nations Information Governance Centre
- Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2), Government of Canada
- Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS2) Chapter 9, Government of Canada
- Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research, Government of Canada
- Tri-Agency Research Data Management Policy, Government of Canada
- Tri-Agency Statement of Principles on Digital Data Management, Government of Canada