Intermediate UX Design (CSUX 200)

Placing the user at the center of product design and development, good UX design is fundamental to creating useful, helpful and accessible products. As such UX designers have been playing an increasingly crucial role for a broad range of industries. This course builds on the fundamentals of UX design and introduces information architecture, accessibility, responsive design, navigation structure and user testing. These elements of UX design will help you advance your understanding of good design, increase your expertise and create impactful experiences for users to help you become a key contributer to a wide variety of projects.

Upon successfully completing this course, students will receive a digital skills badge through Accredible, a digital credentialing service. To opt-out of receiving a digital badge for CS courses, please unsubscribe here.

Contact Hours

30 course hours (3 hours per class)

Prior Learning

To fully benefit from this course, prior knowledge of UX Design is required

Courses offered that meet Prior Learning Requirements

Tuition + Materials

Tuition is $650.25. Download your detailed materials list before your first class.
You may be eligible for tuition support through StrongerBC future skills grant.

Course Format

Course offering is available either online synchronous (VCHAT) or on campus (GNWC). View schedule for current and upcoming formats.


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