Portfolio Websites (CSPD 100)

An online portfolio can help increase your visibility as a creative professional. Learn how to develop an online portfolio in this project-based workshop. Discover the benefits of online presence, basic copywriting, and best practices for project documentation to maximize your visibility online. Students will explore accessible pre-built website options and create a dynamic website presentation to showcase their work and experience. This course requires that you set up or have an existing website domain. To get the most out of this course, previous knowledge of or familiarity with Content Management Systems like WordPress or Squarespace is strongly recommended.

Upon successfully completing this course, students will receive a digital skills badge through Accredible, a digital credentialing service. To opt-out of receiving a digital badge for CS courses, please unsubscribe here.

Contact Hours

30 course hours (3 hours per class)

Prior Learning

To fully benefit from this course, some prior experience with Content Management Systems such as WordPress is strongly recommended.

Courses offered that meet Prior Learning Requirements

Tuition + Materials

Tuition is $658.05. Download your detailed materials list before your first class.
You may be eligible for tuition support through StrongerBC future skills grant.

Course Formats

Course offerings are available online (synchronous) and on campus. View schedule for current and upcoming formats.


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