Photo Story: Spaces, Places + the Everyday (CSPH 010)
In an era where social media and cell phone cameras have normalized documenting our daily lives, this course aims to explore the possibilities of capturing space, place, and the everyday in a broader sense. Focusing on the city, its neighbourhoods, communities, and public and private spaces, this course invites you to discover approaches to visual storytelling with the goal of creating thoughtful and meaningful photographic work. In-class discussions will cover ethics, research methods, fundamental lighting principles, and technical strategies essential for completing each individual project. This course may offer project-oriented field trips, either self-guided or in small groups.
Contact Hours
18 course hours (3 hours per class)
Prior Learning
No prior learning required.
Courses offered that meet Prior Learning Requirements
Tuition + Materials
Tuition is $395.00. Download your detailed materials list before your first class.
Course Format
Course offering is available either online synchronous (VCHAT) or on campus (GNWC). View schedule for current and upcoming formats.
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