Visual Culture (CSHT 101)

Visual culture refers to tangible expressions of culture found in every day life. It can vary greatly between different global cultures, and take the form of advertisements, architecture, photographs, movies, paintings, fashion, landscape, social media and beyond. We study visual culture through historical, social, environmental, cultural and political lenses to understand, interpret and relate to different visual imagery and representations. In this introductory course, you will look at relationships between visual representations and the historical, social and political contexts in which they are situated to develop critical and cultural awareness of art-making in relation to the world around us. Led by creative practitioners, this course is an entry-point to critical thinking, research, aesthetics and cultural awareness that will help you connect more deeply to your creative practice.

Contact Hours

24 course hours (3 hours per class)

Prior Learning

No prior learning required.

Courses offered that meet Prior Learning Requirements


Tuition + Materials

Tuition is $546.21. Download your detailed materials list before your first class.

Course Format

Course offering is available either online synchronous (VCHAT) or on campus (GNWC). View schedule for current and upcoming formats.


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