Introductory Drawing (CSDR 100)

Drawing from observation, translating ideas into visual representations, and compositional organization are fundamental to any creative practice. An invaluable skill, drawing is broadly applicable to creative interests and careers including illustration, communication design, animation, architecture and beyond. Develop your perceptual and descriptive skills in this introduction to drawing using a variety of media, techniques and subject matter. You will be introduced to drawing as a means of visual investigation, exploring studies in line, shape, perspective, proportion, positive and negative space. This course is an ideal, supportive learning environment if you are new to the practice of drawing, want to learn more formal approaches to drawing, or are looking to continue developing your drawing skills.

Contact Hours

24 course hours (3 hours per class)

Prior Learning

No prior learning required.

Courses offered that meet Prior Learning Requirements


Tuition + Materials

Tuition is $527.95. Download your detailed materials list before your first class.

Course Format

Course offering is available either online synchronous (VCHAT) or on campus (GNWC). View schedule for current and upcoming formats.


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