Human Centered Design (CSDS 112)
Human-centered design is an empathetic, human-focused approach to problem-solving. This course introduces common design concepts, how to identify human focused problems through diverse research, and problem solving strategies. Through research and practice-based approaches, you will learn to empathize with humans, to ensure solutions address key biases, and co-create solutions to fit their identified needs. Using human-centered strategies, this course will equip you with knowledge to co-create inclusive, innovative solutions that fit the humans' needs and contexts. Useful across organizations or projects in any domain, human-centered design thinking strategies can begin to frame human-centric, long-term solutions, no matter your area of practice or expertise.
Upon successfully completing this course, students will receive a digital skills badge through Accredible, a digital credentialing service. To opt-out of receiving a digital badge for CS courses, please unsubscribe here.
Contact Hours
30 course hours (3 hours per class)
Prior Learning
No prior learning required.
Courses offered that meet Prior Learning Requirements
Tuition + Materials
Tuition is $658.05. Download your detailed materials list before your first class.
Course Format
Course offerings are available online (synchronous) and on campus. View schedule for current and upcoming formats.
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