Colour Theory + Psychology in Design (CSCD 102)
Connect with colour. Why is a red carpet so iconic? Why are highlighters neon and why does green universally mean “go”? Every hue, tint and tone holds meaning to help us navigate our surroundings and enables unique narratives. Examine and apply colour and colour theory to visual design in this introductory graphic design course. Explore the impact of colour psychology and symbolism in creative applications, and practice harnessing colour to enhance meaning and ensure accessible and inclusive design standards. Understand colour science in this introductory course to make appropriate colour choices and learn technical setup for both digital and print design.
Contact Hours
24 course hours (3 hours per class)
Prior Learning
No prior learning required
Courses offered that meet Prior Learning Requirements
Tuition + Materials
Tuition is $550.00. Download your detailed materials list before your first class.
Course Format
Course offering is available either online synchronous (VCHAT) or on campus (GNWC). View schedule for current and upcoming formats.
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