StrongerBC future skills grant

The StrongerBC future skills grant is for British Columbians aged 19 years or older – regardless of financial need – and covers up to $3,500 in eligible short-term skills training at public post-secondary institutions.

The grant currently applies to eligible Spring 2025 micro-credentials in Creative Technology and Web and Digital Design.

The StrongerBC future skills grant is for British Columbians aged 19 years or older – regardless of financial need – and covers up to $3,500 in eligible short-term skills training at public post-secondary institutions.

FSG applications for Spring 2025 are now open.

After you fill out the ECU course application make sure you also complete the FSG grant online through the Future Skills Grant Management System (FSGMS)

Material Reimbursement claims for Spring 2025 opens January 10 2025.

Student Eligibility

To be eligible for the future skills grant, you:

  • Must be a Canadian Citizen, a Permanent Resident, or a Protected Person entitled to study in Canada
  • Must be a B.C. resident currently living in British Columbia
  • Must be 19 years of age or older or have graduated from grade 12 or equivalent
  • Must provide consent for ECU to collect and disclose personal information that is relevant to accessing the StrongerBC future skills grant to the provincial government
  • Should not be receiving duplicative and/or overlapping funding to cover eligible costs (i.e. grants, loans, scholarships, or other funding that covers the same program costs as the StrongerBC future skills grant

You should also understand that:

  • The future skills grant benefits may have tax implications. Please consult the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) for tax advice
  • The grant is subject to a lifetime maximum of $3,500
  • If you are receiving any federal or provincial benefit, such as Employment Insurance (EI) or B.C. Employment Assistance (BCEA), you must seek approval from the appropriate government body before participating in a program
  • The amount of funding received is subject to review and audit

How to apply to use your future skills grant funding

  1. Review the eligibility criteria to see if you qualify for funding
  2. Choose from the list of eligible Spring 2025 micro-credentials. You can apply for a maximum of 3 eligible courses per term.
  3. Starting November 27: Apply!
    STEP 1: fill out the ECU course application at least 7 days before the course start date
    STEP 2: apply for the FSG grant online through the Future Skills Grant Management System (FSGMS). If you don't have a BC Services Card Account account yet, set one up here.
  4. Allow up to 5 business days to receive your application approval and registration confirmation from ECU.
Applying for material reimbursement