
To join open Senate meetings as a guest, please use the registration link beside the meeting date. For general inquiries about the Senate, please contact the University Secretary.

Accounting for student success.

Emily Carr University of Art + Design is a public institution governed in accordance with the University Act of British Columbia.

It operates with a bicameral governance system with a duly constituted Board of Governors and Senate both of which include representation from faculty, staff, administration and students.


Senate is the senior academic governing body at Emily Carr and has responsibility for academic degree programs, curriculum, evaluation and the granting of degrees.

Senate has 25 members including the Chancellor, President + Vice-Chancellor, VP Academic, Executive Director Student Services + Registrar, all Deans, University Librarian, two faculty members elected from each Faculty, four students elected by the students, an alumni member, two support staff elected by staff, and a Board representative.

Senate meets monthly during the academic year and further information on its committees, meeting dates, previous minutes and Senate Bylaws can be found on this site.

Chancellor Carleen Thomas

President + Vice-Chancellor Trish Kelly (Chair)

Interim Vice President Academic + Provost Diyan Achjadi (Vice-Chair)

Deans of Faculties

Jaqueline Turner, Interim Dean, Faculty of Culture + Community
Celeste Martin, Dean, Ian Gillespie Faculty of Design + Dynamic Media
Kyla Mallett, Dean, Audain Faculty of Art
Justin Langlois, Associate Vice President, Research + Dean, Jake Kerr Faculty of Graduate Studies

University Librarian Vanessa Kam

Executive Director, Student Services + Registrar Kathryn Verkerk (Secretary of Senate)

Faculty Members (2 from each Faculty)

  1. Cameron Cartiere, Faculty of Culture + Community, Term: 2022/08/01 - 2025/07/31
  2. Alex Phillips, Faculty of Culture + Community, Term: 2024/08/01 – 2027/07/31
  3. Adriana Jaroszewicz, Ian Gillespie Faculty of Design + Dynamic Media, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2027/07/31
  4. Helene Day Fraser, Ian Gillespie Faculty of Design + Dynamic Media, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2027/07/31
  5. Mimi Gellman, Jake Kerr Faculty of Graduate Studies, Term: 2022/08/01 – 2025/07/31
  6. Haig Armen, Jake Kerr Faculty of Graduate Studies, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2027/07/31
  7. Mark Johnsen, Audain Faculty of Art, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2027/07/31
  8. Beth Howe, Audain Faculty of Art, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2027/07/31

Students (4)

  1. Ishita Arora, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2025/07/31
  2. Stuti Gulati, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2025/07/31
  3. Anoushka Nair, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2025/07/31
  4. Saanvi Bhat, Term: 2024/10/15 - 2025/07/31

Alumni Member (1)

  1. Shawn Choi, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2027/07/31

Support Staff (2)

  1. Laszlo Hollander, Term: 2023/08/01 - 2026/07/31
  2. Micaela Kwiatkowski, Term: 2024/08/01 - 2027/07/31

Board-Appointed Member (Non-voting)

  1. Eknoor Matharoo, Term: 2024/10/01 - 2025/07/31