Board Search 2024

We invite all members of our community to submit nominations for candidates for externally appointed positions on the Emily Carr University Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors plays a vital role in the university’s governance. To ensure maximum engagement and continuity on the board, turnover of the membership occurs through a gradual process of elections and appointments. The university community has the opportunity to participate in this process in a number of ways, nominating candidates who positively reflect the values of Emily Carr and who possess skills and expertise that complement those already on the board.

Nominations are currently being received on an ongoing basis. Please submit your nominations by clicking the button below.

About the ECU Board

The Board of Governors is the senior governing body at the university and functions in a shared governance model with the university’s Senate. The Board is primarily responsible for overseeing the administration and control of the property, financial concerns and business affairs of the university, while the Senate is primarily responsible for academic concerns. There are also some areas of joint interest and responsibility.

It is the Board’s role to ensure that ECU complies with the legislation and policies and procedures that govern its operations, and to ensure that it operates in accordance with its mandate and strategic priorities.

Board members serve a vital role in the effective governance of the university; and the board relies upon its members working together to fulfill their roles and responsibilities with engagement, skill and the highest standards of conduct.

The board is largely composed of volunteer members who commit to serve for terms ranging from one to three years, to a maximum of six consecutive years.

The ECU Board of Governors meets approximately six times per year and then additionally for special meetings and committee work. The board currently has three active standing committees: Executive + HR, Finance + Audit, and Governance, and may also form working groups or temporary committees as needed.

Among other activities for the upcoming year, the board looks forward to preparing for the university’s centennial celebrations in 2025, as well as engaging in development of the university’s next Strategic Plan.


Like the boards of most public universities in BC governed under the University Act, the ECU Board of Governors is composed of 15 members.

7 Members Elected/Appointed Internally

Chancellor Internally Appointed Board of Governors
President + Vice-Chancellor Internally Appointed Board of Governors
2 Faculty Members Elected Elected by faculty
2 Student Members Elected Elected by students
1 Staff Member Elected Elected by staff

8 Members Appointed Externally

2 Members appointed from Alumni Association nominees Externally Appointed Government Appointment – Order of Lieutenant Governor in Council (OIC)
6 Members appointed from other nominees Externally Appointed Government Appointment – Order of Lieutenant Governor in Council (OIC)

Current Board Vacancies

  • There are currently no Order-in-Council vacancies on the Board

Board Member Criteria

We are seeking nominations for externally appointed members of the Board of Governors. Nominees must:

  • Be passionate advocates for Emily Carr University.
  • Have a strong interest in the arts.
  • Commit to upholding the highest standards in our governance processes.
  • Reflect the diversity of our community, including women, visible minorities, Indigenous Peoples, persons with disabilities, persons of diverse sexual orientation, gender identity or expression (LGBTQ2S+), and others.
  • Be a resident of B.C. and a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. Consideration will be given to individuals from all parts of the province, who have a broad range of skills and experience in community, labour, and business environments.

Nominees must not:

  • Have conflicts of interest that would prevent them from fulfilling their duties.
  • Serve on any other public boards.

At this time, the board is particularly seeking individuals with fundraising, financial, EDI, governance, strategic planning expertise and/or significant knowledge of and connections to the art + design sector and to Indigenous communities and organizations in B.C.

How to Submit A Nomination

Nominations are accepted on an ongoing basis throughout the year. Please use our nomination form.

All nominations will be confidential to protect the privacy of potential candidates. The complete list of nominees will be seen only by those involved in the review process: the Board of Governors and/or the Alumni Association Executive, which will be involved in reviewing nominations and submitting a shortlist of recommendations to government; and the Crown Agencies and Board Resourcing Office (CABRO) and the University Secretariat, which will provide support to this process.

All nominations will be considered but we cannot confirm that any individual will be shortlisted or appointed. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted to determine if they wish to accept the nomination.


Are board members paid?
How long are the terms for board members?
Who are the current board members?
Will ECU share the list of nominees?
Can I nominate myself?
Do I need to ask my nominee before submitting their name?