Online Equipment Request Form

If you're booking equipment for an exhibition, please use the Equipment for Exhibition Request Form instead.
The Online Equipment Request Form below allows current students, staff and faculty to request equipment online from Media Resources Centre. For FMSA-related bookings, please visit their webpage.
Important notes - please read!
- You must be a current student, faculty or staff.
- A minimum of two (2) days advance notice is required prior to the intended pick-up date. If you need the equipment earlier, walk-in bookings are welcome.
- If you have not already, you will need to complete the current Policy Agreement before you pick-up your reservation.
- All requests are handled on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Equipment bookings are subject to equipment availability and does not guarantee your booking.
- You will receive a confirmation email from Media Resources Centre. Check if details are correct. Email us for any corrections. If you didn’t receive a confirmation, it means your request has not gone through or was not approved.
- Make sure to schedule your pick-up during Media Resources Centre hours.
- Do not use this form if you’re booking equipment for an exhibition. Instead, please use the Equipment for Exhibition Request Form at least one (1) week in advanced.
- Do not use this form for FMSA-related bookings. Please contact FMSA technicians at or visit their webpage. FMSA procedures may vary.
Loan Periods
Regular Loans: Most production equipment are two (2) days in duration. For example, a loan beginning on a Monday is due back on Wednesday.
Day Loans: Certain equipment like laptops, adapters, computer accessories as well as classroom presentation equipment are for day-loan use only and are due back before the campus closes for the night. Chargers are available for 3-hour loans only.
Weekend Loans: If the return day of a regular loan falls on a weekend or a holiday, then the return day automatically moves to the next work day.
Extended loans: Extended loan periods may be requested and subject for approval. Send in your request far in advance together with the details of your project to Click here for detailed instructions.
Renewals: Loans can be renewed in person or by phone at least a day in advance. Subject to availability. If unavailable, Borrower must be prepared to return equipment on or before equipment is due. No renewals over email. Renewals are not allowed if equipment is already late.
Unless stated differently on the confirmation email, return equipment no later than 12:00pm of the day the equipment is due. For example, a booking ending on a Wednesday must return equipment on or before 12:00pm of that day. Equipment returned beyond scheduled return time is considered late.
Equipment List
A large portion of our inventory is All-Access Equipment that is available for any current ECU student enrolled in a regular credit course, faculty and staff.
Access to Restricted-Access Equipment will vary depending on your program, year of study or completed workshops.
Here are the current list of available equipment:
*Do not use this form for FMSA-related bookings.