Policy + Policy Agreement

The Media Resources Equipment Rental Agreement, also known as the Borrowers' Policy Agreement, outlines borrower responsibilities, guidelines and user information for borrowing equipment from Media Resources Centre.
It is mandatory to complete the Policy Agreement prior to borrowing equipment from Media Resources Centre. By completing the Media Resources Borrowers' Policy Agreement, the Borrower understands and agrees to the terms and conditions set by the policy agreement.
If you haven't done it yet, here is the link to the Policy Agreement.
- The Borrower must be a current ECU student enrolled in a regular credit course, faculty or staff.
- Students must be currently enrolled in a class to borrow equipment.
- The Borrower is required to have completed the current Policy Agreement prior to booking.
- A valid ECU ID card must be presented each time equipment is signed out from Media Resources.
- Using someone else's ID card or picking up on behalf of someone else is prohibited.
- Access to restricted equipment will vary depending on a student’s program, level, and completed workshops/tests.
- Equipment may be borrowed for in-classroom use, course projects, and program requirements.
- Equipment may be borrowed for faculty and staff research projects.
- Equipment may not be borrowed for personal or commercial use.
- Equipment loans are subject to equipment availability.
- Equipment may be reserved in advance.
- At least two (2) days advance notice is required when making an equipment reservation. Minimum of one (1) week advance notice is required for exhibitions and extended loans. Requests received outside office hours will be processed on the next work day.
- Equipment reservations can be made by email (mediaresources@ecuad.ca) or by using the Online Request Form from Media Resources' website, and are handled on a first-come-first-served basis. Please be advised that your booking is not guaranteed until you receive a confirmation email from Media Resources.
- When you receive the confirmation email, check if details are correct and email us for any corrections. If you didn’t receive a confirmation, it means your request was not processed and you may need to contact Media Resources.
- Reservation policies for reserving FMSA equipment may differ. For FMSA related bookings please email FMSA Techs at fmsatech@ecuad.ca or visit their website at fmsasupport.ecuad.ca.
- Missing your pick-up appointment may lead to booking cancellation and the equipment may be reassigned to other borrowers. The grace period is ten (10) minutes only.
- The Borrower should contact Media Resources Centre if they are not going to make the appointment prior their pick-up time.
Borrowed Equipment
- The Borrower is solely responsible for the equipment. Transfer of equipment to another user is not allowed.
- The Borrower must be present at pick up.
- The Borrower must return equipment on or before it is due.
- When picking-up an equipment booking, the borrower is responsible for checking that all parts and equipment are in good working condition and that there are no missing pieces before leaving Media Resources.
- ECU is not responsible for any re-shoots or other costs incurred due to faulty equipment.
- The Borrower must report broken or faulty equipment by notifying Media Resources staff or by leaving a clear and legible note with returned equipment. Please include your full name (first and last name), ECU number and description of the equipment problem. Do not attempt to fix the equipment yourself.
- The Borrower is responsible for knowing how to set-up and operate equipment.
- Media Resources staff are available to go over basic operation and troubleshooting of equipment only. For in-depth use, please contact your department tech.
- The Borrower is responsible in making sure that all equipment is returned in good working condition, with all the cables coiled properly, components are packed properly in the right cases, and everything clean and dry.
- The Borrower is responsible for deleting content of storage devices (SD cards, laptops, flash drives, etc.) before returning the equipment to Media Resources.
- In the event of theft, loss, or damage, the Borrower may be responsible for the cost of replacement or repair.
Loan Periods
- Regular Loans. Most production equipment are two (2) days in duration. For example, a booking beginning on a Monday is due back on Wednesday.
- Day Loans. Certain equipment like laptops, adapters, computer accessories as well as classroom presentation equipment are for day-loan use only, and are due back before the campus closes for the night.
- Weekend Loans. If the return day of a loan falls on a weekend or a holiday, then the return day automatically moves to the next work day. For example, an equipment signed out on Thursday or Friday will be due back the following Monday.
- Extended Loans. Extended loan periods may be requested and subject for approval. Please send in your request to mediaresources@ecuad.ca far in advance together with details of your project and the reason why you need the equipment for that amount of time.
- Renewals. Loans can be renewed in person, or by phone if the equipment is available, but are not guaranteed. If unavailable, Borrower must return equipment on or before equipment is due. Renewals are not allowed if equipment is already late.
- Unless stated differently on the confirmation email, return equipment no later than 12 noon of the day the equipment is due. For example, a booking ending on a Wednesday is due back Wednesday by 12:00pm. Equipment returned beyond scheduled return time is considered late.
- It is the Borrower’s responsibility to know the return time of their signed-out equipment. If you are unsure when something is due back, please check confirmation email or ask a Media Resources technician.
After-Hours Returns
- Equipment may be returned to Media Resources beyond office hours by calling campus security at 604-844-3838 from your phone or on speed dial using any of the black phones in the hallways. Security will meet the Borrower outside Media Resources Centre to open the side door and let you return the equipment.
- Place equipment on the After Hours Return shelf. For safety, do not block access to shelves, door and aisles.
- Never leave equipment unattended or give to someone other than Media Resources staff.
- Do not leave equipment outside Media Resources Centre.
- Do not return equipment by sliding it under the door or gate.
- After Hours Return is available until 10pm only. It is the Borrower’s responsibility to contact security ahead of time to allow enough time to return the equipment. No After Hours Return after 10pm or when the building is closed.
Equipment Loan Suspensions and Fines
- Late fines are $10.00 per item per day for senior production equipment, $5.00 per item per day for all other equipment, and an additional $10.00 per affected reservation due to late equipment. Fines for lost, damaged, abused, or unattended equipment will vary.
- Media Resources Centre may withhold borrowing privileges or be placed on academic hold at anytime if the Borrower has: overdue equipment; outstanding fines; at least three late equipment returns in an academic year; has not completed the policy agreement; is not authorized by their program for a particular piece of equipment; or displays significant disregard for Media Resources’ policies or unacceptable behaviour toward staff.
- The Borrower may be fined for late, lost, incomplete, damaged, improperly packed, dirty, or abused equipment.
- Equipment with missing parts will stay signed out to the Borrower until all parts are returned or replaced. Late fines may apply.
- The Borrower may be fined for equipment that is found unattended or not properly secured in exhibition spaces.
- The Borrower is responsible for placing equipment in the designated “Return Area” when returning equipment after hours.
- The Borrower may be fined for returning equipment improperly, such as sliding it under the Media Resources door or gate.
- Students, faculty, and staff who book Media Resources equipment under their name are responsible for any damage fees, replacement costs, or late fees of equipment, even if the damaged, lost, or late equipment occurred while in the possession of a third party.
- Notices regarding late equipment will be sent to your ECU email. You will be notified about your fine the next time you attempt to make a booking.
- Contact Media Resources at 604-844-3829 if you cannot return your equipment due to illness or accident.
- Unpaid fines may prevent a student from borrowing equipment, registering in a subsequent semester or receiving their transcript.
- The Borrower is responsible for providing the Media Resources Centre with the receipt and stamped invoice after paying a fine at the Finance Department.
Complete the Borrowers' Policy Agreement here to gain equipment access.