
90th Anniversary Celebrations begin

IMG 2781 1920s
This post is 5 years old and may be out of date.

By Karin Watson

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Emily Carr turns 90 on October 1, 2015. We provide you with a short background, alumni highlights, and our early celebratory events lineup!

A short background; alumni highlights; and our early celebratory events lineup!

Faculty and Staff 1925Founded in 1925 and achieving University status in 2008, Emily Carr University is one of the oldest post-secondary institutions in British Columbia. It is the province’s only post-secondary institution solely dedicated to the advancement of professional education for the creative sector, and it is Canada’s most research intensive university in its field. Originally the Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts, Emily Carr University is now an agile and creative driver, changing and responding to the needs of society, and providing relevant, interdisciplinary programming, research, and opportunity for industry partnership at the intersection of art, design, and technology.

Now in its 90th year, Emily Carr is poised to reach new heights as a social, cultural, educational, and economic engine for British Columbia as it builds a new state-of-the-art facility. It is the first entirely new, purpose-built campus to be constructed in all of Canada in more than 25 years. Construction of this new campus at Great Northern Way began in the spring of 2015 and the building will welcome its first students in the fall of 2017. Emily Carr University’s new facility will place these students at the centre of a new creative hub that transforms the city, bridges east and west, and opens a new cultural space to the public through indoor, outdoor, and interactive spaces, which are to include the Libby Leshgold Gallery and the Reliance Theatre.

Enjoy more historic images in the article Here, there and everywhere! Emily Carr U: 1925-2015

Emily Carr University's new campus at Great Northern Way | Architectural Renderings 2015

Celebrating our Alumni Achievements

Most importantly Emily Carr’s 90 years of creative excellence are reflected in the work and successes achieved by our community who shape the creative landscape and so far 2015 has been know exception. Emily Carr is especially pleased to celebrate and congratulate just a few of its outstanding alumni including:


Celebrating in the Community: Events and Festivities Launch our Anniversary Year

Join us in celebrating 90 years of creative excellence as we host a roster of special events and projects - many over the year will be open to the public.

Several special events will also be held the first taking place on October 1st, the actual day Emily Carr opened its door to students in 1925.
  • October 1, 2015 - Private Event - The University will install the university’s new Chancellor, Mr. Geoff Plant, QC, at a ceremony at which special guests will be in attendance, including the Governor General
  • October 1, 2015 - University Community Event - In addition to the installation ceremony the university will host a Community Day with activities for Faculty, Students, and Staff in the Concourse Gallery

Visit Emily Carr and celebrate with us!

  • October 16, 2015 - Public Event - Join us for an exciting event that's open to the public: Emily Carr partners with Pecha Kucha to present a special Art + Design Pecha Kucha at the Vogue Theatre
  • October 17 + Sunday October 18, 2015 - Public Event - Don't miss the second annual Alumni Art Market on the weekend at which time we showcase works for sale by local alumni.
  • November 14 + 15, 2015 - Public Event - Our special 90th edition of the legendary Emily Carr Student Art Sale always attracts thousands to Granville Island over the course of two days with something unique for everyone on your holiday list.